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New year Resolutions

A New Year Message

I'm not keen on New Year's Resolutions because they imply we are not good enough as we are.They rarely come from a deep understanding of why we do what we do, which is the best catalyst for positive and sustained change. They imply we need to give something up or make…

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How to handle feeling rejected by divorce, Sara Gibbons

Dealing with feeling rejected by a divorce

Feeling rejected by divorce is common, but we don't have to stay there. It's true that a relationship breakup can press that ‘Rejected And Unworthy’ button very hard indeed! And once triggered, the insecurities and all those painful feelings of not being good enough come out in force. The thing…

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How to deal with losing friends during divorce, Sara Gibbons

Why Am I Losing Friends During A Divorce?

Losing friends during a divorce is very common. If you are experiencing this you are certainly not the first and you won’t be the last. Many find it a painful shock to realise their friendship group is changing, and perhaps changing quite dramatically. It can be confusing when people you…

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how to deal with the stress around divorce, Sara Gibbons

How do I handle the stress of divorce?

The stress of divorce is up there with the most difficult of life experiences. It’s frequently quoted that the Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale indicates that divorce is the second highest life stressor, second only to the death of a spouse. Most likely we all know what stress feels like.  It’s uncomfortable…

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how to deal with loneliness around divorce, sara gibbons

How to deal with loneliness around divorce

Fear of loneliness around divorce is often one of the reasons that people stay in an unhappy relationship. Many fear that they're going to be lonely if they part ways.  And so they are prepared to have just a little bit of human contact rather than risk being lonely. Loneliness…

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How to let go of anger around your divorce, sara gibbons

How To Let Go of Anger Around Your Divorce

Knowing how to let go of anger around your divorce experience can be a huge challenge. The breakup of a previously committed relationship can trigger more anger than perhaps you've ever experienced before.  You may be the one on the receiving end of someone’s anger. Or you may find yourself…

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