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The Phoenix Programme
Step-by-step divorce coaching to empower women to heal from the pain of breakup and embrace a life full of love, joy and peace.

Divorce Coaching UK

Dear Brave One,

I know your heart longs for something more.

You yearn for the life you dream of, one full of love, joy, peace. You long for a life that fulfils your potential, you know you have more to do, and more to give. But – you don’t know how to get there.

Your life has been turned upside down by the breakup, you don’t know who you are anymore, and you have lost trust in others, but more importantly you have lost trust in yourself.

You feel alone in dealing with the fallout of the breakup, and whatever you do to try to move forward you seem to end up still struggling to sustain the changes you want.

The Phoenix Divorce Coaching Programme is for those who have been battered emotionally by relationship breakdown and want to move past the pain, and discover key strategies to take back control and fulfil their life’s dreams and potential.

If you have had enough of feeling grief, anxious, alone..

If you are tired of the endless ‘mind chatter’ that fills your head and gets you nowhere..

If you have had your fill of dancing to another’s tune, and you know deep inside this is not what you are here to do, that there has to be more to life than this, but you don’t know how to make it happen..

..then ‘The Phoenix Divorce Coaching Programme’ is perfect for you!

In Short

You want nothing more than to be able to build a secure, purposeful, joy-filled life for yourself that goes way beyond the definition of simply surviving a relationship breakdown.

You want to break through and flourish!

You desire

  • To live pain-free and put an end to the hurt
  • To be free from fear, anxiety and self-doubt
  • To understand why your relationship didn’t work out
  • To be able to forgive
  • To be able to get past the grief, let it go and feel free
  • To be able to move on to the life of your dreams without guilt
  • To have a safe place to share, discuss and resolve issues alongside like-minded, non-judgemental sisters
  • To uproot the causes that are blocking your life with repetitive patterns and stopping you from moving forward
  • To feel truly whole and at harmony with yourself
  • To be able to show your true star quality to the world and shine

And above all: To have a peaceful, joyous and love-packed life that fulfills your true potential.

The Problem is..

You’ve been going around in circles for months (perhaps years!).

You know it’s time to break out of the rut of repeating patterns and really get to grips with the core issues that will change your life and move you into the sunshine!

Maybe You..

  • Can’t sleep because of worrying?
  • Wake up feeling anxious every morning?
  • Know your ex is still able to push your buttons, and manipulate you to get an emotional reaction and you don’t know how to stop it?
  • Feel you have to deal with the situation all on your own?
  • Can’t get over what the person you thought once loved you is now doing and saying?
  • Feel desperately lonely and stuck?
  • Want to get over the past and your ex but don’t know how to realistically make that happen?
  • Doubt yourself and your decision-making abilities?
  • Feel that time is running out, that you’ve wasted so much time on the relationship and the breakup already?
  • Are losing hope that there is a joy after the breakup?
  • Feel that it is probably your fault?
  • Feel trapped by the whole situation?
  • Can’t stop the constant mind chatter that is driving you nuts with its over-analysing of everything?
  • Feel that surely no-one else has ever felt this much pain before?

Brave friend, take a deep breath..

You don’t have to give up when you are closer than you think to a breakthrough..

You don’t have to feel lost, alone and without hope any more..

It's time to change..

I’m SARA GIBBONS, I provide more than just Divorce Coaching: I’m here to make sure that you have the understanding and tools you need to move your life forward to achieve your wildest dreams!

I’m a counsellor and experienced practitioner of many years standing. I’ve also been through a breakup and come out on the other side.

Because of this, I am able to draw on many formal qualifications and a wide range of helpful tools, but also a significant depth of personal understanding to help women move on to a greater life than they ever thought possible.

I know what you are going through right now.

We’d been together for 16 years, married for 14, with 2 young children when overnight – literally – everything changed.

The shock was unbelievable. I couldn’t think straight.

For months it was a secret as I struggled to save my marriage and the family life I so wanted for my kids. I felt I had to deal with it alone.

I eventually got to a breaking point and I knew I had to choose

  • Be bitter about what life had dealt me, or
  • Move forward, take control, make changes and see where they took me.

The steps I am about to show you were all critical in moving me from where I was to where I am now.

They have taken me years of effort, and I have spent thousands on workshops, training and events to enable me to put them together.

Whilst healing myself emotionally, physically and psychologically I developed a passion for helping others do the same, so they too can live their life to the fullest.

When I first experienced my own breakup, I felt totally lost. I didn’t know anyone who had experienced what I was going through and I had no help or guidance to show me the way through.

I lost my home and security.

I read a ton of self-help books, cried, read some more self-help books.

We had recently moved to a new house and I had no-one I knew near in whom I could speak or confide.

I started counselling, began to get glimmers of hope. I began to feel somewhat better, but was still at the mercy of my situation.

I thought things were about to get better, and then they got worse again.

I trained in various therapies and began to feel more hope. I made new friends. My old life started to fade away as a new one began to emerge.

I began to feel that my office based day job didn’t reflect me any more so I left and set up a natural therapy centre of my own.

I continued to work on self-development and as a consequence my pain began to diminish and my broader understanding grew.

At the same time my self-esteem also flourished, as well as my confidence, my relationships, and my ability to deal with difficult situations.

Fast forward to today.. my life now looks very different

  • I live where I have always wanted to and dreamed of – by the sea, in a sunny little corner of the UK.
  • I have abundant people in my life who love, care and appreciate me.
  • I love the work I do, and it also gives me financial independence.
  • I travel the world with the best friends anyone could ask for, friends who totally ‘get’ me.
  • I am fitter and healthier than I have ever been.
  • My confidence and self-esteem are now where they should be!
  • And best of all I am truly HAPPY!

AND NOW I WANT YOU TO ACHIEVE THE SAME OUTCOME AS ME – THE LIFESTYLE OF YOUR DREAMS, but in a mere fraction of the time, energy and effort it took me!!

I did this, and I KNOW you can do it too! You really can! And that is what I want for you too.

  • To get out of bed every morning excited for what the day will bring you
  • To feel fully in control of the direction of your life
  • To experience the difference across the board as your confidence and self-esteem grows

Most people think their happiness and fulfillment in life is either beyond their reach or in the hands of someone else.

It’s this very mindset that is holding them back. When an opportunity arises, they think..

  • I can’t do anything to change my situation, it’s determined by my circumstances.
  • This won’t work for me, I’m too old/I’ve wasted too much time/I don’t have the right skills/it’s too late!
  • I’ve never been a confident person and I can’t change that.
  • I’d rather stay where I am than do something differently that will improve my life.

Luckily that’s not you!! It’s not too late, but it is now time to set yourself free.

It's your turn!

You’ve done enough struggling on your own! You don’t need to do that anymore.

I’m here to tell you that through my divorce counselling you can be in control of your life and you can find your potential, and when you know how to do that everything else starts to fall into place.

I know 100% that you have the power to change your life into what you truly want, it’s just that no-one has ever shown you where to look or pointed the way for you. It’s there within, you just need to know how to tap into it!

So, I’ve put together ‘Life After Divorce – The Phoenix Programme’

What you can expect

In this 12-week Divorce Coaching programme, I’ll guide you to resolve the past as well as your current situation, and the pain and grief that goes with it.

You will clear a space for the newness and all you desire to come into your life.

You will see how it is absolutely within your grasp to take the steps needed to move you forward faster than you ever thought possible.

And all while receiving the support and guidance you require.

My clients work with me because they receive the personal guidance and tools to make a huge difference in their lives.

They have lightbulb moments which spur them to greater heights, and they see that they really can be in control of their lives and go where they want to go.

They then understand fully that the only person holding them back is themselves, and they know what to do to change it, for good!

Your most important takeaways will be:

Mindset Transformations

You will get to understand and use a whole new approach to resolving your blocks and repeat patterns.

You will have tools to set aside all excuses, conditionings and their accompanying fears and anxieties.

You will uncover the real you that has been waiting all this time for you to make contact and be discovered. (This is so exciting and such a relief!)

Healing emotional wounds

You will learn how to release the pain of the past.

We will go on a journey together to build your confidence and self-esteem.

You will understand why you do what you do, and we will work together so you can grow and stand in your own light as the strong and powerful woman you really are.

Rediscover your direction

You will learn, uncover and rediscover your qualities, talents and gifts and use them to tap into your true potential, so you are clear on what you want to do and where you want to go.

Renewed Clarity

You will be shown how to both physically and emotionally let go of the old and make space to build for the new.

You will be guided through techniques in both self-care and understanding yourself.

Enjoyment and support

You will get to see that you can have fun along the way as you start to look at life with fresh eyes.



What others are saying:

“The course delivered on all of its promises in full.

“The decision to ask Sara for her clear unbiased help and support was the best I could have made.

“I came to her because I was feeling heartbroken, defeated and utterly confused as to the right way forward.  I was paralysed with indecision and every time I tried to solve my problems things seemed to go badly wrong.  I had been struggling on my own for months to come to terms with the end of my marriage.  Friends offered tea and sympathy and advice influenced by their own experiences but that was contradictory and left me more confused than ever.

“Sara immediately provided me with a solid structure and framework to stabilise me and give me the tools I needed to find my way forwards.

“This wasn’t a quick fix or sticking plaster for my troubles, but it was absolutely necessary to give me a greater understanding of myself and set me on the path to recovery.

“There was a perfect balance to the way the course was structured too.  It  was such a pleasure to be given permission to take care of ‘me’.  To think about myself for a change and what I needed physically and mentally to make me happy.  The encouragement to imagine a new future for myself, full of what I loved most, revived my appetite for life and gave me hope. The course delivered on all of its promises in full.

“I would recommend working with Sara to anyone struggling or in pain.  No-one should feel they have to deal with their trauma in isolation.  The relief of having a strong, clear minded , knowledgeable mentor to help guide you through is worth its weight in gold.  I would recommend anyone to step up and ask for the help you need and invest in your own recovery and future well being.

“As the well known advert says – you’re worth it.”

Katie P, Peterborough

This course exceeded my expectations

Sara gives a multitude of tools to help you understand yourself and your emotions as well as how to handle those emotions.


Throughout the course, I slowly got better and better. Sara gives SO many tricks, tools, and techniques to learn how to handle your emotions and to learn that you can be in control! The change in me happened so subtly at first that I started referring to it as “sneaky coaching”! When I started the course I was on 2 antidepressants. Now I’ve weaned off both. I’ve started to learn about my own emotions, learn about what I can and can’t control, and even learned how to handle my ex. I know we just scratched the surface of my journey of learning about myself so I’m going to continue working with Sara! I highly recommend you do too.

Cara F, Florida

It’s a wonderful programme enabling both time for self and reconnection with self.

Looking deeper with support enables you to both release trauma and look forward.

Having a personal coach to help open my eyes and enable me to redirect my thoughts during a hard time.  Someone to hold my hand and remind me of my place in the universe. Now I can see the effects of aspects of my life come from earlier experiences and I have been able to let them go. The different exercises and the ability to feel into them enabled a gentle unclipping, greater understanding and redirection going forward.

I feel in a much better place, I’ve let go of things, and am more compassionate with myself.  Thank you, I have taken another stepping stone towards my future with compassion.

Geraldine S, California

How does it work?

Upon signing up for this course, you will get a Welcome Pack to get you on your way and help you get the most out of the sessions.

The 12-week course will include

  • Course materials including handouts, tools, and worksheets
  • Email access to Sara during the course duration
  • 12 Weekly 1-2-1 50-minute divorce counselling sessions with Sara via conference call

On top of that you will also receive these amazing bonuses!

  • BONUS #1 – A guide to health and wellbeing – the essentials you need to know.
  • BONUS #2 – An amazing tool for dealing with the grief and pain of loss
  • BONUS #3 – A guide to maximising your potential as you move towards your new future
  • BONUS #4 – A copy of the book ‘Rise Again After Divorce’

What Happens after you Click Apply?

You will be taken to a page where you can book your discovery call.

This is a 30-minute session with me to help you get clear on your objectives and understand more about how the programme can be of benefit to you.

If we think we are a good fit for each other then you will be invited to join, and we can book your appointments and start straight away!

What makes this program different?

The Phoenix Programme is not a typical divorce coaching programme.

This training recognises your own personal journey and will enable you to safely dig deep into the roots of your current issues, and help you to really understand why you brought them into your life and what you can do to change it.

You will see that transformation is not only possible but truly can be a reality as you are guided to heal yourself and your life at the level of cause and not at the level of symptom.

This process will enable a solid foundation from which to keep on building.

You will know and understand how to keep on track as you continue to take your new life to a whole new level you previously only dreamed was possible.

There are plenty of divorce coaching courses that will give you tools and techniques to help you deal with the pain, but this one will show you what you can do mentally, emotionally and physically to assist yourself to a better way of living.

If you don’t do the work at the level of cause, none of the techniques, strategies and tools will make a real and lasting difference.

In the Phoenix Programme, you will connect to the strong and powerful woman you really are, find out how to move past fears and doubts, and learn to trust yourself, your intuition and your inner voice as it guides you into your future life.

You’ll learn how to stand strong and immovable in your own light.

My promise to you

During the programme, you will discover the real reasons you got into the situation you are in and the action you can take to stop it from happening again.

More than that – you will leave knowing how to continue creating the life you really want and be very clear on the steps that will lead to more than you ever thought possible.

Who is this programme for?

The life you really want, as opposed to the life you have right now, is absolutely and totally within your reach if:

  • you have had enough of the same old thoughts and patterns going around and around and are ready to change the record
  • you are ready to be challenged and to blossom as a result
  • you are open to new ways of looking at things, and for new understandings and revelations
  • you are ready to take action as long as you know what that action is
  • you are excited by the possibilities and opportunities this programme will give you

This programme is NOT for you if:

  • you choose to not make time for yourself, your self-care and your growth
  • you prefer to stay where you are rather than confront issues head on and resolve them once and for all, so you can leave them behind
  • if you like to blame others for where you are and don’t want to look at your part in the problems you are having
  • you’d rather carry on as you are, even though it means in a years’ time you will still be facing the same issues and experiencing the same pain and discomfort

I know what it feels like to be desperate for help and not know where to turn or who can help you.

  • I know how it feels when your life is stuck, and you feel defined by your divorce and fear you always will be.
  • I even understand how it feels when you think your life is over and there is no hope for it to revive again.
  • You can keep on as you are, feeling lonely, a failure and different..

As the saying goes, ‘if you always do what you’ve always done you always get what you’ve always got’..OR You can join the Phoenix programme and stop struggling by yourself.

You will..

  • Understand what has happened to you and why
  • Clear a space for the new to come in for you
  • See your future as something to look forward to
  • Know what to do to reach it
  • Heal the wounds once and for all
  • Have fun along the way and
  • Be supported as you rise from the ashes of breakup towards the direction of your choosing..
  • ..and the peaceful, joyful and love filled life you crave

Frequently Asked Questions

It is important to make time for you if you are to make the changes you desire.

We will discuss this together at the outset and look at how you can schedule things to meet your needs, no matter what else is happening.

It’s not a problem to reorganise an appointment for a time to suit both of us if something unplanned for crops up.

However, it is also a good idea to get all the appointments scheduled out at the beginning to be sure we have both booked and committed to the time we need together.

Whilst this is an intensive course, some modules will probably be easier for you than others, and some will take more time.

This means the involvement needed may well even out for you over the whole programme. The strength of a 1:1 coaching programme is that ultimately, we can go at your pace.

There is also support by email and you can also join the private Facebook group and ask questions there, so you never need to struggle alone.

I know the Programme works, I’ve done the work it contains myself and seen the significant changes in others.

However, the level of your own success is completely dependent on your level of application to it and this is in your own hands. I will provide the guidance and the support you need; your part is to apply yourself to the work.

A key reason for having a Discovery Call before going ahead is for us both to decide if the programme is a good fit for you.

This is where you can ask any outstanding questions and get clarity on anything of concern.

Stripe, bank transfer, and a payment plan is also an option.

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