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Moving Forward – Claim Your Freedom
For those experiencing bereavement, trauma, a life crisis, or simply feeling stuck!

  • Is your life heading in the right direction – the direction you want it to take?
  • Do you know how to make sustainable changes in your life to take you where you want to be, and then keep it on track?
  • Do you feel you are going around in circles?
  • When you set off on the path of your choice are you able to keep up the momentum?
  • Do you feel when you do make progress it is slow and frustrating? Above all …
  • Do you feel you are living your full potential?


If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’ then you will want to know about ‘Moving Forward’, a personalised and unique programme so you can make the changes needed fast and effectively.

Discover your own inner power and move on with a purpose and passion for life again.

To get the best out of your life you need to know the basics of how it works.

Unbelievably we’re not taught this in school or college as both are much more interested in turning out job market fodder than healthy, well balanced and aligned individuals able to make their own way in the world. And it’s unlikely our parents or carers were able to fully help us here, in all fairness because no-one taught them either.

So, we’re all muddling along as best we can. And often getting into a muddle! There are pockets of joy of course! But they are not maintained and because we can’t achieve our full life potential in all areas, or see anyone else achieve it, we even come to believe that it’s not actually possible to have it all the time!

We see people achieve fame and fortune, but their personal lives are in a mess. We see people with bucket loads of compassion for others and in loving relationships, but struggling with various issues, or just getting by financially.

I want you to know that it is possible to have it all!

You can achieve the life you want, across all areas, you just need the tools to be able to do that.

I am not saying that life won’t present challenges, but the truth is you are not meant to live feeling alone, separate, confused, or to live your life in mental, physical or emotional suffering.

It is also true that we create our own reality, but unless you know HOW to do that to get what you want the result will be hit and miss at its best, and at worst mostly miss!

If the answer to any of these questions is ‘no’ then you will want to know about ‘Moving Forward’, a personalised and unique programme so you can make the changes needed fast and effectively.

Discover your own inner power and move on with a purpose and passion for life again.

The Moving Forward programme will show you how to:

  • manifest the life you want, by being…
  • the master of yourself, and in the process…
  • go on an incredible journey into the world of you where the lasting answers lie

No more struggling or repeating the same patterns and getting the same – unwanted – results!

For more information or to join a programme email Sara here

“Sara is an amazing coach in personal development, healing, health and well being, of many years, born out of her own life experiences and learning.

“Intuitively, she feels the pace needed in each person, to bring about a change, a moving forward, releasing the past. Listening to the spoken and unspoken words, whispers of the soul.

“Sara shares generously her skills and tools of healing, trust, truth, wisdom, inner confidence, sense of humour and joyful laughter. She jolts apathy, self pity and emotional baggage, revealing the truth and enabling the release of past hurt, empowering us to embrace new possibilities, dreams coming to life, feeling alive and truly living again.

“Undeterred by life’s ups and downs, understanding the gifts within the invited lessons, Sara courageously keeps moving forward, rejoicing and enjoying life, uplifting with the inner power of love, to always be of service to others.

“Sara is unstoppable and a beautiful blessing, with an inner knowing that no matter what life offers for growth, she is always raising up stronger, going beyond, sincerely living her passion to assist others toward expansion, freedom and joy.”

Patricia D, UK

For more information or to join a programme email Sara here

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