‘I share how people can build a better relationship with themselves’
Hello, I’m Sara Gibbons
I’m an author, a natural health practitioner as well as a divorce and lifestyle coach. Over the last 20 years I have successfully helped hundreds of clients improve and move on in their lives.
My personal development journey began with a painful divorce which turned out to be the wake-up call that was needed. Since then life has been full of more interesting and exciting experiences and opportunities than could ever have been imagined before. This dramatic change would never have happened had I not been pushed out of the rut I was in.
I began to write to share with others how they can go beyond the initial hurt and shock and discover the benefits possible in their own lives. A second aim was to enable this transformation to take place significantly faster than my own.
Drawing on my years of personal experience and training, as well as my Doctorate background in client transformation, I offer online courses and personal sessions for those who are themselves experiencing the life-changing trauma of divorce or a relationship breakup.
My aim is to guide people to help themselves to the life and freedom they really want in the most effective and powerful way possible.
After the long and eventful journey that I’ve been on personally, starting at the depths of despair, I now couldn’t be happier, and my life keeps expanding and growing with love and joy.
And this is what I want for you too and I would love to be able to show you how and share it with you.
“Thank you Sara, I wouldn’t be where I am, and I couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you for what you do.”
Michelle L, Chicago