It is important to make time for you if you are to make the changes you desire.
We will discuss this together at the outset and look at how you can schedule things to meet your needs, no matter what else is happening.
It’s not a problem to reorganise an appointment for a time to suit both of us if something unplanned for crops up.
However, it is also a good idea to get all the appointments scheduled out at the beginning to be sure we have both booked and committed to the time we need together.
Whilst this is an intensive course, some modules will probably be easier for you than others, and some will take more time.
This means the involvement needed may well even out for you over the whole programme. The strength of a 1:1 coaching programme is that ultimately, we can go at your pace.
There is also support in the Facebook group and by email, so you never need to struggle alone.
I know the Programme works, I’ve done the work it contains myself and seen the significant changes in others.
However, the level of your own success is completely dependent on your level of application to it and this is in your own hands. I will provide the guidance and the support you need; your part is to apply yourself to the work.
A key reason for having a Discovery Call before going ahead is for us both to decide if the programme is a good fit for you.
This is where you can ask any outstanding questions and get clarity on anything of concern.
Stripe, bank transfer, and a payment plan is also an option.