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7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self, sara gibbons

7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self

I talk a lot about self-love and self -care because that's the key to improve wellbeing and sense of self.  It’s the starting place for the changes that make all the difference to how we feel about life and how we live our lives. Recognising the importance of YOU is…

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one answer could be magnesium, sara gibbons

One Answer Could Be Magnesium

  More and more people are suffering from stress, anxiety and a variety of chronic illnesses and struggling to find effective treatments.  One answer could be magnesium. Magnesium has been an undervalued macro-mineral.  That means it is one of six major minerals needed by the body in larger amounts, and…

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Your Health Really is in Your Own Hands

You are the master of your own health destiny. If you currently feel that your health is a lottery, that you have little or no control over it, then you’ll want to know about epigenetics.About what?!? Whatever is Epigenetics?? In a nutshell it used to be thought that your genetic…

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8 Simple Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process

Effective anti-aging tips that can turn the clock back so you look and feel amazing We all want to look and feel our best, but it can be so confusing, time consuming and not to say expensive, finding out what works and what doesn’t. Here I’ve put together some of…

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The 28 Day Power Cleanse – a blog

28 Days of juicing! I decided to do a 28 Day Power Cleanse. This cleanse involves juices and smoothies with recipes that have been carefully created to give abundant nutrition whilst also cleansing the body. The only reason cells become damaged, apart from external trauma, is if they are deficient…

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Practical tips for looking after your main asset - You

Practical Tips For Looking After Your Main Asset – You!

Whatever we are doing in our lives our biggest asset is always going to be ourselves.  Our busy lives take up a huge amount of energy Practical tips for looking after your main asset - Youand effort, alongside the need to keep focussed on the really important issues.  We know we need to be aiming to be operating at peak efficiency yet it can be hard to see what to do to get the best for and out of ourselves, our time and our energy when there are so many demands on us.   So here are a few tips to help you check if you have the basics in place:

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