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Your Health Really is in Your Own Hands

You are the master of your own health destiny. If you currently feel that your health is a lottery, that you have little or no control over it, then you’ll want to know about epigenetics.About what?!? Whatever is Epigenetics?? In a nutshell it used to be thought that your genetic…

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How pure is our water?

In particular, how many drugs are we taking into our body when we drink municipal water?

According to recent research environmental pollution by pharmaceuticals is increasingly recognized as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide. A variety of pharmaceuticals enter waterways by way of treated wastewater effluents and remain biochemically active in aquatic systems.

A recent study [1] looked at the altered behaviour of perch when exposed to oxazepan, a tranquilizing drug used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal, at levels often found in surface water. They noted

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Practical tips for looking after your main asset - You

Practical Tips For Looking After Your Main Asset – You!

Whatever we are doing in our lives our biggest asset is always going to be ourselves.  Our busy lives take up a huge amount of energy Practical tips for looking after your main asset - Youand effort, alongside the need to keep focussed on the really important issues.  We know we need to be aiming to be operating at peak efficiency yet it can be hard to see what to do to get the best for and out of ourselves, our time and our energy when there are so many demands on us.   So here are a few tips to help you check if you have the basics in place:

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