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how to deal with the stress around divorce, Sara Gibbons

How do I handle the stress of divorce?

The stress of divorce is up there with the most difficult of life experiences. It’s frequently quoted that the Holmes-Rahe Stress Scale indicates that divorce is the second highest life stressor, second only to the death of a spouse. Most likely we all know what stress feels like.  It’s uncomfortable…

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how to deal with loneliness around divorce, sara gibbons

How to deal with loneliness around divorce

Fear of loneliness around divorce is often one of the reasons that people stay in an unhappy relationship. Many fear that they're going to be lonely if they part ways.  And so they are prepared to have just a little bit of human contact rather than risk being lonely. Loneliness…

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law of attraction, sara gibbons

How to Make the Law of Attraction Work for You

Most of us are familiar with the Law of Attraction. That is to say that we know in theory that it's possible to manifest what is focused on.  Yet how to make the law of attraction work in reality is another matter entirely. In essence, to make the law of…

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how to make your vision happen without delay, sara gibbons

How To Make Your Vision Happen Without Delay

There’s a famous quote from Mark Twain, along the lines that it is not the things we did that we will regret at the end of our lives, but rather the things that we didn’t do. For whatever reason, the vision gets sidetracked. What stops us from making our dreams…

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7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self, sara gibbons

7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self

I talk a lot about self-love and self -care because that's the key to improve wellbeing and sense of self.  It’s the starting place for the changes that make all the difference to how we feel about life and how we live our lives. Recognising the importance of YOU is…

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