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The True Price of Health, and Who Needs to Pay it?

Cheaper food over the last 60 years has meant not just an increase in disposable income but a decrease in the quality and nutritional value of food leading to sickness and obesity ‘We are what we eat’ has long been a popular saying.  Aside from external environmental factors it remains…

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Can A Redox Signalling Supplement Help Me?

  All health problems can be linked to damaged cells. It follows, therefore, if you give the cells what they need they will heal themselves. What are Redox Signalling Molecules? These are molecules that are present in every living cell and their functions are central to all life on the…

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What if eating junk food isn’t your fault?

Are you aware food manufacturers spend a fortune on research to try to get you addicted to their offerings and so you crave, and buy, more?

There is a common belief that overweight and obese junk food eaters have brought it on themselves, that they only have themselves to blame for putting so much of it in their mouths.

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How pure is our water?

In particular, how many drugs are we taking into our body when we drink municipal water?

According to recent research environmental pollution by pharmaceuticals is increasingly recognized as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide. A variety of pharmaceuticals enter waterways by way of treated wastewater effluents and remain biochemically active in aquatic systems.

A recent study [1] looked at the altered behaviour of perch when exposed to oxazepan, a tranquilizing drug used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal, at levels often found in surface water. They noted

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How to end stress, stop worrying, and start living life to the full – some key tips

Stress is a significant part of many people’s lives

We could also call it ‘worry’.  If we’re worrying about the future, or reliving and fretting about the past, we cannot be living in the only time we have in which to live – NOW.  If we’re living in the present we can for example, fully enjoy our meal, our home, nature, being with and listening to our companions or children etc.  If we’re thinking about other things such as our work or problems when we are with others or eating a meal for example, then that’s where our energy is.  If we are going to end stress, stop worrying and live life to the full we have to find a way to be fully present. We need to be the key character in our own lives. We need to be completely aware of everything we do.

So how can we stop the chatterbox of the mind that continually takes us away from present moment living?

While we are fully listening, or totally focused on an activity or project, we cannot be thinking.  Here are a few exercises to get you started.

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Practical tips for looking after your main asset - You

Practical Tips For Looking After Your Main Asset – You!

Whatever we are doing in our lives our biggest asset is always going to be ourselves.  Our busy lives take up a huge amount of energy Practical tips for looking after your main asset - Youand effort, alongside the need to keep focussed on the really important issues.  We know we need to be aiming to be operating at peak efficiency yet it can be hard to see what to do to get the best for and out of ourselves, our time and our energy when there are so many demands on us.   So here are a few tips to help you check if you have the basics in place:

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5 a day for health and balance

Watch your pH for health and balance.

What!? For those of you that have forgotten your old school chemistry, pH is a measure of the acid alkaline balance and goes from 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic, 14 the most alkaline and 7 being neutral.  Our bodies operate best when they are slightly alkaline, at around 7.4.

In traditional Chinese understanding  balance is represented by the yin yang symbol where yin (white) is both counterbalanced externally with yang (black)and also internally with the dot of white in the black and vice versa. Yang is considered male, black, right and acid whilst  yin is female, white, left and alkaline.

Using this analogy we can see that it is important to balance the yin and yang aspects of our lives externally. We need a life/work balance where there is time for work, time for play and exercise, time outside in nature, time to rest and recharge etc.  Too much stress is very acidic to the body, however too little motivation and we can slip away to the yin, alkaline side of the spectrum and become lethargic.  Sometimes people swing wildly between the two, following frantic stress and activity with a period where they feel they can hardly move.

What we eat is an important contribution to maintaining essential balance for overall wellbeing.  However many foods we eat are acid producing.  This means

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How to give yourself and your business a quick boost

Clear the Clutter
It’s springtime and the sun is shining. It’s a good time not only for a spring clean but also for a spring clearing. Living and working in amongst things we don’t really need or want drains our energy and keeps us stuck. This is particularly critical when your home is your office.  If you want to give yourself and your business a quick boost then you could try taking an honest look at your working space. For example is your work space supporting you by having everything you need and easy to access or is it taking your time and energy to find things? Find some time to declutter your environment and see how much brighter and positive you feel.

Here are some tips to get started

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Grass is not just for cows and sheep!

Vibrant health with nature’s original superfood.

Well, I don’t mean just any old grass, but in particular wheatgrass, a nutrition fans dream food.

Now, you’re probably getting used to me raving about how ASEA provides a foundation for good health at a cellular level. Because of its very nature ASEA doesn’t need to be digested as it is working at a level below nutrition.  It contains redox signalling molecules identical to those in our cells, molecules that are essential for cells to function and remain healthy.  As a consequence supplementing with these redox signalling molecules is a key factor for anyone’s health programme.

No matter how powerful ASEA is (and it is very powerful) it should not be seen as a substitute for good nutrition. For really vibrant health it would be good to have both. Nutrition gives the body the critical tools it needs to carry out essential functions and then ASEA helps to activate those tools for best effects.  So to provide our bodies with good nutrition is basic common sense.  But it can be hard to know how to do that as there is so much conflicting information.  One of the best foods we can give our bodies is wheatgrass juice. Renowned for its detoxifying and cleansing properties, a programme of wheatgrass shots is quite possibly the fastest and most effective way to win a healthy body back.

Wheatgrass juice is an original superfood, as research has shown

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