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Handling the Holidays when you’re Single

It can be hard, when everyone else seems to be having a wonderful time with family and friends, especially if it’s your first holiday time after your breakup. When you focus on what you feel you’re missing then you will carry an air of lack about you, which means that…

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Your Health Really is in Your Own Hands

You are the master of your own health destiny. If you currently feel that your health is a lottery, that you have little or no control over it, then you’ll want to know about epigenetics.About what?!? Whatever is Epigenetics?? In a nutshell it used to be thought that your genetic…

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8 Simple Ways to Slow Down the Aging Process

Effective anti-aging tips that can turn the clock back so you look and feel amazing We all want to look and feel our best, but it can be so confusing, time consuming and not to say expensive, finding out what works and what doesn’t. Here I’ve put together some of…

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The 28 Day Power Cleanse – a blog

28 Days of juicing! I decided to do a 28 Day Power Cleanse. This cleanse involves juices and smoothies with recipes that have been carefully created to give abundant nutrition whilst also cleansing the body. The only reason cells become damaged, apart from external trauma, is if they are deficient…

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The Simple Keys to Health and Wellbeing

‘All health problems can be linked to damaged cells’ Dr Gary Samuelson, Ph.D. Atomic Medical Physicist We live in a world where ‘new’ illnesses and diseases are continually being identified hand in hand with new drugs that are constantly being researched to treat them.Often drugs mask the symptoms rather than…

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Are You Getting Enough Quality Sleep?

Sleep is important for a strong immune system, and a lack of quality sleep can have devastating effects on health. Did you know for example that it is not possible to ‘catch-up’ on sleep? That the adverse effects of a lack of sleep is a debt that builds up?  My…

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Keys to Understanding and Supporting the Immune System

The immune system is our first line of defence against illness and disease, detecting invading bacteria and viruses, and taking action to destroy them thereby preventing damage to the body. The immune system is alerted when there is damage to the body? Cells are the building blocks of all living…

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Natural Alternatives to Commercial Energy Drinks

Manufactured energy drinks are high in glucose or processed sugar and most contain caffeine. Caffeine tolerance varies between individuals, but for most people a dose of over 200-300mg may produce some initial symptoms: restlessness, increase heartbeat, insomnia, and higher dosages can lead to increased blood pressure, heart palpitations, gastrointestinal disturbance…

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