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7 Top Tips to move past a breakup, sara gibbons

7 Top Tips to Move Past Your Breakup

It's essential to move past your breakup to make the new life you want a reality. Whatever you desire for your life, wherever you want to be, it's going to take some sort of action to get there. But knowing where is the best place to start and then keeping…

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7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self, sara gibbons

7 Ways to Improve Your Wellbeing and Sense of Self

I talk a lot about self-love and self -care because that's the key to improve wellbeing and sense of self.  It’s the starting place for the changes that make all the difference to how we feel about life and how we live our lives. Recognising the importance of YOU is…

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one answer could be magnesium, sara gibbons

One Answer Could Be Magnesium

  More and more people are suffering from stress, anxiety and a variety of chronic illnesses and struggling to find effective treatments.  One answer could be magnesium. Magnesium has been an undervalued macro-mineral.  That means it is one of six major minerals needed by the body in larger amounts, and…

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everything is a reflection of you, sara gibbons

Did you know everything is a reflection of you?

That’s a bold statement! Is it really true that in your life everything  is a reflection of you? And not only everything but everyone too. Even when people are being really difficult, or there’s a tough situation happening? It’s not an easy thing to get your head around. It’s so…

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Your Health Really is in Your Own Hands

You are the master of your own health destiny. If you currently feel that your health is a lottery, that you have little or no control over it, then you’ll want to know about epigenetics.About what?!? Whatever is Epigenetics?? In a nutshell it used to be thought that your genetic…

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The Simple Keys to Health and Wellbeing

‘All health problems can be linked to damaged cells’ Dr Gary Samuelson, Ph.D. Atomic Medical Physicist We live in a world where ‘new’ illnesses and diseases are continually being identified hand in hand with new drugs that are constantly being researched to treat them.Often drugs mask the symptoms rather than…

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Keys to Understanding and Supporting the Immune System

The immune system is our first line of defence against illness and disease, detecting invading bacteria and viruses, and taking action to destroy them thereby preventing damage to the body. The immune system is alerted when there is damage to the body? Cells are the building blocks of all living…

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How pure is our water?

In particular, how many drugs are we taking into our body when we drink municipal water?

According to recent research environmental pollution by pharmaceuticals is increasingly recognized as a major threat to aquatic ecosystems worldwide. A variety of pharmaceuticals enter waterways by way of treated wastewater effluents and remain biochemically active in aquatic systems.

A recent study [1] looked at the altered behaviour of perch when exposed to oxazepan, a tranquilizing drug used to treat anxiety and insomnia and alcohol withdrawal, at levels often found in surface water. They noted

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5 a day for health and balance

Watch your pH for health and balance.

What!? For those of you that have forgotten your old school chemistry, pH is a measure of the acid alkaline balance and goes from 0 to 14 with 0 being the most acidic, 14 the most alkaline and 7 being neutral.  Our bodies operate best when they are slightly alkaline, at around 7.4.

In traditional Chinese understanding  balance is represented by the yin yang symbol where yin (white) is both counterbalanced externally with yang (black)and also internally with the dot of white in the black and vice versa. Yang is considered male, black, right and acid whilst  yin is female, white, left and alkaline.

Using this analogy we can see that it is important to balance the yin and yang aspects of our lives externally. We need a life/work balance where there is time for work, time for play and exercise, time outside in nature, time to rest and recharge etc.  Too much stress is very acidic to the body, however too little motivation and we can slip away to the yin, alkaline side of the spectrum and become lethargic.  Sometimes people swing wildly between the two, following frantic stress and activity with a period where they feel they can hardly move.

What we eat is an important contribution to maintaining essential balance for overall wellbeing.  However many foods we eat are acid producing.  This means

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